- Representation of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors in the Estyle, Inc. (“Babystyle”) chapter 11 bankruptcy filed in the Central District of California
- Representation of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors in the Douglas Furniture of California,LLC. chapter 11 bankruptcy filed in the Central District of California
- Representation of a very large body of Class Action creditors in the Bodies in Motion chapter 11 bankruptcy filed in the Central District of California, resulting in a successful resolution of multimillions in claims
- Representation of Clarklift of California, Inc., a company specializing in the distribution, sale, service, rental and finance of equipment and trucks to the agricultural, construction, manufacturing, transportation and warehousing industries, as a Chapter 11 debtor and debtor in possession. Clarklift of California successfully reorganized under a confirmed Chapter 11 Plan
- Representation of Hilton Hotels and Hilton Hawaiian Village to protect their claim in excess of $30 million in Dillingham Construction Co.’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy filed in Oakland, California
- Representation of a chapter 7 Trustee to uncover, recover and sell several million dollars worth of assets for the benefit of unsecured creditors through complex litigation
- Representation of landlords in Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases to enforce the provisions of their leases, in both asset sales and reorganizations
- Representation of defendants in both large multi-million dollar and smaller tens of thousands of dollars preference and fraudulent transfer actions resulting in dismissals and/or large reductions in the claims
- Representation of Optinetrics, Inc., an advanced photonics engineering company with an integrated optics technology platform for the fabrication of optical devices for communications, biotechnology, sensors and commercial electronics, as a Chapter 11 debtor and debtor in possession. The case culminated in a confirmed liquidating Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization, and Mr. Margulies then represented the Liquidating Trustee to assist the trustee in implementing the Plan provisions for the benefit of creditors
- Representation of a chapter 7 Trustee to successfully deny an individual of his Discharge under Section 727 of the Bankruptcy Code due to the debtor’s failure to disclose assets in his bankruptcy schedules
- Represented hundreds of individuals and married couples to file personal/consumer bankruptcy cases resulting in a successful Discharge of their debts and a fresh start
- Represented dozens of individuals to successfully resolve complex state court litigation (in which they were being sued) and/or debt collection matters for pennies on the dollar utilizing “the threat” of bankruptcy without actually having to file bankruptcy
- Represented an individual suing a chapter 7 debtor for the nondischargeability of a $150,000 debt obligation owing to her as a result of the debtor’s pre-bankruptcy acts of conversion resulting in a successful non-dischargeable trial verdict
- Successful defense and dismissal in mutlimillion dollar nondischargeability litigation